Friday, July 20, 2012


I know murder is a very broad topic so I wanna narrow this conversation down to Trayvon Martin and Zimmerman. Yes, Zimmerman is a murderer. He did kill Trayvon in a hate crime for what seems like no reason. And yes,Zimmerman was inappropriate when saying that killing Trayvon must of been God's plan, BUT was he wrong? I'm not saying God killed him but simply let the devil have his way this time. Trayvon Martin's father may not be able to see it that way because of the grief but I do. I mean God knows what's going to happen. God knew that Trayvon would be coming to him soon. He didn't interfere because he know how it was going to play out. I believe he wanted the uproar and the people's responses. He know this death was the one that would wake people up.  I'm not siding with Zimmerman but many women and men have buried their murdered children. Many for no good reason at all except they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I understand Trayvon was young but much younger have died. And what is so significant about this death that the United States can't get off of it. Trayvon Martin was not the first kid to die and won't be the last. He wasn't even the only person that died that day. There were other shootings that day, other deaths so why does this bother people so much. And why is everyone like me considered wrong for not making a big deal out of the whole thing. We're not domestic terrorists, we just don't linger on the past. Just like the news didn't linger on all shooting victims stories. Yes this was a sad occasion but what about the little three year old who and just got his first bike and went outside to  ride it and was killed. You don't hear about these stories. Most people will never know how many people die everyday from violence, hate crimes, and nameless bullets. But I guarantee Trayvon Martin is not hurting. I guarantee he isn't the last person to every die wrongly. And I guarantee worrying about Zimmerman's justice is not doing anything. He will get his justice but not from any man.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


I have a major problem with people telling me what to do. I freaking hate it. It doesn't matter who it is: a parent, teacher, friend, family member, anybody. I don't like the feeling of someone being able to will me. I don't consider it disrespect but my way of keeping my free will. I only wish people would leave me alone sometimes. I mean what is wrong with not doing something. What are children suppose to do on THEIR SUMMER BREAK? I don't care how many times parents say they used to be kids, because you're NOT a kid now, so stop trying to relate. You don't know what's going on in my head and you don't know how I feel. Just back off. I really don't want to you to understand. I want you to let me make my choices and follow my path. Unwanted help is not always good. You trying to push me is making me push too. Just away from you.

About Me

My birthday is June 27,1996. Eventhough I'm about to turn 16 I feel older. Wiser than my age but not wise. I am deseperately trying to discover myself and what I want out of life. The main thing being love.